About The GGSSA

What We Do?


Ground Geophysical Survey Safety Association (GGSSA) was formed in 2011 with the aim of developing Industry Guidelines for electrical geophysical surveys. The formation of the Association was in response to NSW Government concerns around electrical ground surveying and the failure to adhere to NSW State Legislation and Australian Standards AS/NZ 30000 & AS3007, particularly around electrical protection, and isolation and insulation.

Founding members of GGSSA are:

  • CGG Ground Geophysics (Australia) Pty Ltd
  • GPX Surveys
  • Search Exploration Services
  • Zonge Engineering and Research Organization

GGSSA Objectives

  • To promote the safe operation of ground geophysical surveys
  • To develop a set of recommendations for the safe operation of ground geophysical surveys
  • To have these recommendation accepted by Industry as minimum standard
  • To assist in getting the Guidelines accepted in each states’ legislation


The Association plan to develop further standards for high-risk geophysical surveys. Members can nominate to join the Technical Committee which will be tasked with drafting appropriate Guidelines.

Membership is open to all Geophysical Contracting Companies and associate memberships are available for industry and other interested stakeholders.

Who Are We

Executive Committee

The executive committee is made up of representatives from industry, contractors, and manufacturers.

Current executive committee members are:

  • Mike Enright, Rio Tinto
  • Trent Retallick, Australian Geophysical Services P/L
  • Andrew Duncan, Electromagnetic Imaging Technology
  • Greg Cant, AngloGold Ashanti
  • Glenn Chubak, Discover International Geophysics Inc

Previous executive committee at AGM Perth

The founding members of the GGSSA – from left to right, Phil Palmer (Director), Greg Cant (Director), Cindy Moller (Administration Officer), Kelly Keates (Director), Andrew Duncan (Director) and Theo Aravanis (Director).